Wolfetone Dr. Vintage

  • Brand
  • Model Dr. Vintage
  • ConditionFair
  • ColorNickel
  • Years2019
  • List ID#SKU17144558077D8C
  • RegionMarlton
  • Zip Code08053
  • Country of Manufactureunited states
  • Price$250
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About This Listing

Dr. Vintage humbucker were developed to provide a vintage sound in modern reissue guitars. Designed to have an output and tone of normal-level P.A.Fs, they provide a clear, warm & balanced tone, that allows your guitar’s true voice to be heard. Built with an exacting wind and Alnico-2 magnets that have been individually tested to meet specific criteria. All the components of the Dr. Vintage humbuckers are carefully developed to work together to give your modern guitar a true vintage sound and musical ‘feel,’ “We’ve heard none better, with the exception of a very few real PAFs” – ToneQuest Report 2011The Dr. Vintage neck pairs particularly well with the Marshallhead bridge to create an incredible range of available tones.8.05k bridge, 7.5k neck.